Back in 2010 I started working with new materials. Velcro was the one that caught my attention the most. It has a range of unique characteristics: it is strong and resistant, you can cut out a variety of shapes and forms, and it is easily attached and detached. These features inspired me to make drawings with Velcro rather than ink. This is how Velcrorealismo was born.
In this series I have two main goals. The first goal is to create pieces of art made out of portable elements capable of being manually installed and uninstalled. The second goal is to use this quality as a metaphor to address subjects that I find interesting. One example is the impossibility of changing certain things, and how my work reverses that impossibility to being possible.
I would finally say that my art explores the boundaries between what is impossible, possible and probable. The main concept is the use of a medium that invites spectators to rearrange or remove what they like and don’t like. I want to create a Velcro-reality where it is possible and likely probable to modify that which is supposed to be unmodifiable.